Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Me Bike Back When

My bike wos stolen
when I were just ten
I remember now
'ow much it 'urt then
But maybe that bike
after it were took
provided a ride
for that there-a crook
and maybe 'e
then sold it on
and used that money
to buy a 'imself a song
a song that touched
'is heart so sad
and 'e learnt that 'e'd
rather not be so bad
and that me bike
the one which 'e sold
would 'elp some fella
speed through the cold
to buy some drugs
or some uther unkindly things
to escape the 'urt
that 'is emotions would bring
an after a run-in
with the old bill down the lane
thrown into prison
feelin' some shame
an' on 'is way 'ome
while ridin' me bike
the sun may come out
and that fella 'e might
just think to 'imself
eh up sonny jim
this bike weren't kosher
since it were nicked by terrible Tim,
so maybe I
should take it t' lost an found
then after that,
I might turn me life

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